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Praise the name of the Lord. When we worship, we lay everything down. When we worship, we lay us down. And we lay everything in this place of Holy worship. It’s more than praise. We lift Him up, but we lay down everything in the way. Everything that we, that we carry. Everything that weighs us down, we lay it down. We lay it down. Thank You Lord.

Thursday morning, I woke up. As I was waking up, the Lord spoke to me very clearly. Many things. This was part of what He said. He said, you can laugh. You can laugh. No matter what the enemy tries or plans, you can laugh. In the time of trouble lift up your voice. In the time of opposition, do not take it on. Do not get burdened down. Laugh. Laugh. And again, I say laugh. He says you can glance at it, but don’t fix your eyes on the trouble. Fix your eyes on Me, says the Lord. I am your safe refuge. You will have peace and you can have joy if you learn to laugh from where I sit.

The night before He spoke to me and said you shall do valiantly. So, at the end of this, He said it again. He said, you shall do valiantly! And He took me to the scripture, Psalm 60, verse 12: “Through God, we shall do valiantly. For He it is who shall tread down our adversaries.”

When I was in the office earlier. We’ve had some rough, rough, rough, rough season. We have navigated some rough stuff. The Lord told me, you will stand. You will stand. You’ll not fall. For I stand with you. And I stand for you.

I know a lot of ministries are going through a very difficult time. Very difficult time. And we stand with them. The more that we join together. Encourage one another. We shall do valiantly. Not because we’re so good. Not even because we’re so anointed. Because there’s such an anointing on it, on the people of God. Some of the people I talk to, almost weekly. They’re so anointed. This isn’t about that. This isn’t about how many people see your video on Facebook. This isn’t about how many people follow you. This isn’t about being anointed or not anointed, or greatly anointed. This is about God doing valiantly. It’s about Him, coming and showing up. And I’ve loved the ministry this morning so far. If I wasn’t the mom in the house, I would, I would still be receiving just like you are. From what’s here. It’s the presence of the Lord. It’s the presence of the Lord. And because of that, everybody can say, I shall do valiantly. Because it's the presence of the Lord. Emmanuel. Emmanuel. Emmanuel, God with us. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

I hear the Hoy Spirit say, My people I comfort you in this time. I come as peace. Boldness. I come to you. Invite Me in every situation. Invite Me into every part of your life and I will bring peace. I am called, says the Holy Spirit, to come along side. To walk with you. To guide and to bring truth in the midst of lies. Usher Me in. Welcome Me in. For I am Your Comforter. And I am the Peacespeaker. The Holy One. The One that goes before and the One that strengthens you in the midst of every storm. And I am also the One, that gives you wisdom with peace and truth in love. So, I offer to you all that I am. Usher Me in says Holy Spirit. Welcome Me into your very being and every part of you. And I will touch you a fresh and new. And I will minister My presence within you. And I will bring peace. Thank You Lord. Hallelujah. Lord, we give You glory. Hallelujah.

If you’ve never heard prophecy coming through hands on an instrument, you’re hearing it now:

I am coming on the wind and fire. I am blowing. I am moving. Says the Lord. I am coming with My power. Yes, My power. I am Light, shining brighter and brighter. I am Light.


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I hear the Lord say, sea to sea, shore to shore. The Lord says, My true worshipers that worship Me in spirit and in truth are arising. In this great country, the true worshipers are arising. Giving glory, giving glory. Giving dominion and authority in this earth to Me say the Lord. Arise. Arise from the very young to the very old. Arise. Lift Me up, My name. Who I am in this earth. Lift Me up and I will cause you to sit with Me in heavenly places. In heavenly places for you to see and behold, My glory fills the earth. No more lip service. No more duty and obligation. I say to My people, be free. Be free. To give Me glory with your mouth and with your whole heart and with everything you are. Worship Me. And you will rise higher in Me. You will go higher in Me. And you will see glorious, marvelous, wonderful things. For I will show them to you. Come up here. Come up here. There is a call going out for My true worshipers says the Lord. There is a call going out for your mouth and your heart to belong only to Me. Only to Me. Everything else, everyone else is on a peripheral.

Yes. Yes. I see every person. I see a whirlwind around each person. I’m looking and it’s even Joe and Benny. I see even you being surrounded like a, like a whirlwind. Round and round and round and round. Engulfed in the glory of God. Engulfed, surrounded as you were, as you learn to worship. The glory of God surrounds you and surround you and surrounds you. The scripture comes to me about angels encamping round about those who worship God. There is a surrounding. It is going to surround you. The glory of God is going to surround you. Yes Lord, yes. As you worship. You know we worship. The glory of God, it is going to build and there’s a momentum. We are headed somewhere folks. We’re headed up and up and up and up. The glory of God and it encircles and just like Ezekiel. Just like the the prophet was caught up in a wind, a whirlwind. That’s the glory of God. That’s the glory of God. As we worship. As we worship, things fall off. Fear. Just junk. The cares of this world. As we worship, they just fall off. And we get lighter and lighter and lighter. Yes, I hear the Lord saying, lighter and lighter and lighter. And we rise, we rise. And the Spirit of God wants you to know that that is who you are called to be. A worshiper, a worshiper that comes fully ablaze.

You know the Lord was telling me this week. He’s reminding me. The people that don’t understand real worship. Just like Judas. He didn’t say Lord, Lord. But there was a woman that came and took the most expensive thing she had. Everything she had. It was like a year’s worth of wages. And she poured it on His feet. That’s worship. That’s worship. Fully abandoned. Lord, you have all of me. All of me. All of me. And the aroma filled the room. Filled the room. When God’s people, and not all of them are going to understand it. Some people are going to get offended with it. Be on guard and know. There are people that are not sitting in these chairs that got offended with the presence of God. Got offended at us worshiping. Got offended because it was too costly. Not everyone knows the pathway. Not everyone says, OK God I’ll go. I’ll go. And I’ll just sit at your feet, and I will worship you in total abandonment.

I command deliverance over every person within the sound of my voice. Be delivered and healed and made whole at the presence and the glory of God. The glory of God releases. Now you can hold onto it if you want to. You can hold onto it and reason it out or you can say God, I let go and I just worship you. And everything He is starts surrounding you and then it lifts you up. Seated in heavenly places. And then you take your place with Him. And that’s where you live. In Him we live and move and have our being. In Him we are safe and secure. In Him we are protected. In Him, we are never ever rejected. We are never pushed away. He says come, come. Draw closer. That song we sang, “Oceans,” talks about going outward where you just can’t understand it. You just keep going. Going out past in the deep in the water where you cannot touch your feet. But He surrounds you and He lifts you up. Not only does He lift you up, but He holds you. In the wind and the rain and the storms, He holds you up. In that place you are safe, and you can talk to Him, and you can hear Him, and you can rest in Him. Not strive, trying to get something from Him. We’re not trying to get something from Him. We are, we are learning to rest in Him. To rest in what He says, who He is and who He says we are. We can rest. Like getting up on His lap and laying your head on His shoulder. That’s what happens when you go beyond the reasoning. Beyond all of the entrapments of this living life. And all of the insecurities. Of maybe how you were raised. Or what your parents did and didn’t do. Or what that person did or didn’t do. That person’s opinion of you. Or what you did or didn’t do. All that falls away. You are embraced and you are encircled by the glory of God. And you can rest. You can rest. Does that mean you are going to do everything right? No, but it means that you are forgiven, and you are safe. You are surrounded by who He is. Ist John says, John knew Him best, “God is love.” And no matter how close you get to Him. How much you sit with Him. The revelation of how He loves will never reach an end. It will overwhelm you. It will encompass you. It will permeate your very being, from the inside out, and from the outside in. Saturated in love like you’ve never know. It’s not of this earth. It’s not of here. And all of the unloving things. All of the religious thinking. All of the obligation and duty and trying to get God, to please Him. All that falls away because you belong to Him. And you put Him in that place of where He belongs to you. And you worship. You worship. I hear the Holy Spirit say, Come on in, the water’s just fine. Like a warm bath. It will sooth every hurt. It will calm every fear. His presence, His glory fills the earth like the water covers the earth. So shall His glory be. His glory. His presence. His presence. And you will want for nothing, says the Lord. You will want for nothing. You will crave nothing. You will be without nothing. Satisfied, contented and at rest. And I hear the Holy Spirit saying, Finally, you understand. Finally, you get a glimpse. Finally, you get to know Me, says the Lord.


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We give You Glory. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Praise the name.

During the worship. As soon as the worship started, I closed my eyes and I saw, I saw a square and it was like, it was like a mist, but it was golden. And the Lord said, My Kingdom and My Glory is descending on the earth. And I saw it coming down. I saw it coming down. Coming down. And it’s like a, it’s like a tangible, a tangible weight of Glory. And then the Lord said, I’m setting up My government. I am setting up My government, says the Lord. The government of this nation and the government of this earth. Never let it be said that while My people were here, I did not rule and reign as King. Never let it be said! That My kingdom and My glory did not reign on this earth. For in many, many, many days ahead, it will rule and reign forevermore. But you are about to see My kingdom turn everything upside down and right side up. I will have My government rule and My glory fill this earth. Watch and see. Watch and see. The kingdoms of this world are going down. The platforms of lies and deceit are being crumbled and blown away like dust. And justice and truth and My order. My order will be the new order says the Lord. Not what the enemy wants to put in order. My Kingdom order. Watch, because in the heavens you will see evidence, a manifestation of what I say this day.

Yes Lord. And as for the Supreme Court says the Lord. I put a fortress around them. I put My protection, My armies around them. For they are following My heart and My leading. No harm will come to any, but if there is dissension in the ranks, it will be exposed. I’m giving time for all to turn. There’s two. There’s two the Lord is giving time.

The Lord says do not be afraid when you hear the loud barking of the dog. Don’t be afraid. For he might bark loud, and he might try and show his teeth, but I have the leash on his collar, and I will jerk it. And I will remove his teeth. And he will be a sad, sad, sad specimen. When all comes to nothing. When all the barking and all the threating, when it all comes to nothing. So, stand tall my people. Stand tall as sons and daughters of Mine. For it is getting ready to be exposed. I see two and two, two and two. A turning of two. Two and two. A turning. They will either turn around or they will turn out says the Lord. Says the Lord. Two turn or two out. Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord.

Give My words first place in your heart when all seems much louder. For My Word will hold you steady says the Lord. My Word will hold you steady. My truth will hold you like the belt that holds you together. My truth will keep you strong.

The Lord says some of you think that this is a hard work for Me. The Lord says this is not hard. The manifestation of My Kingdom on this earth is a long awaited, very much awaited, manifestation. And it will be more of an organic shift than an event. It will be more like an organic shift from death to life. More than a huge event. But make no mistake, My Kingdom is descending on this earth. And it is coming nearer and nearer. Look up for your redemption draws nigh. Look up. Do not be downcast. Do not look at the ground. Look up. Look up. My government is being established says the Lord. Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord.

Yes. Holy Spirit’s saying. Now let me clarify, cause I do this for you. The Lord of Hosts speaks and declares. And then the Holy Spirit comes along, along side and then teaches. Brings understanding. Brings comfort. And I hear the Holy Spirit say, it is the hour for order and order comes. Begins in the household of faith. Begins in the household. Begins in the household of God. And then it established, establishes the order for the household at your homes. For this is God’s plan. This is God’s plan. What He does in the earth, He does in the household of God first. Oh, thank You Lord.

Choose this day. Choose this day, I would say to you. To line up with the household of God. So that you can take that and line up your household. For the Spirit of God wants to fill your house. Wants to fill your house. Wants to fill your house. And yes, I said it three times says the Holy Spirit. The house of the Lord, your house, and your physical being. Choose this day. And the Lord says I will stand with you. Holy Spirit says I will strengthen you. You will stand in the days to come, and you will see the Glory of God. You will see the Glory of the Lord permeate every area of your life. Every area of your, ahh your influence. But there’s a lining up. Yes Lord. Yes Lord. Thank You Lord.


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