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Grace Life Church Intl

PROPHETIC WORD February 27, 2022

First thing I heard during worship was, just lay everything down to Me. I know how to fix it. Lay down everything to Me. Even what you think you know. Even what you think will happen. Even the way that you try to fix what’s wrong. Lay it down to Me. Lay it down. Lay it down. Release it to Me. Whatever is weighing on you. Whatever. Even your agenda. Your plans. Just lay it down. I will order your steps. Draw close. And I am on purpose not giving you the whole picture. I am on purpose not giving you all the answers. I am on purpose drawing you to Me. So that you have to follow close. So, you don’t run ahead and so you don’t try and do it on your own. Draw close. Let Me take each step and you follow Me, and we’ll do it together. It will be easier for you, and it will be peaceful for you, and it will be so much more enjoyable. Walk along with Me. Walk along and I will show you wondrous things. And I will also show you the beautiful things as we go. The beautiful things. The things that I see that you would miss. If you go to fast. Let Me show you how to pace, how to walk, how to stroll with Me. How to walk following Me.

And then I hear the Lord say, about the world events. I am watching and I am there, says the Lord. I am in the midst of all that is happening. I hear your cry. I hear all the cries. I am intervening and I am standing on behalf of My people. Stand with Me. Stand with Me. My armies, My hosts are many. Multiplied many. I will make short work of this. What has risen. Is an unbridled tyrant and I am about to reign it in. I will push back, and you will see. You will know that it was Me. I will stand and I will march. My hosts are on the move on all corners of this situation. On all facets. Not just the war. But I am revealing to the world what it is like when My hand moves off just slightly. And then everyone hits their knees and cries out to Me, and My hand moves back again. The world has forgotten what it’s like. They have lulled themselves to sleep in the ways of the wicked prosperity. And in their prideful ways. And they do not know they’re even doing it without Me. But I lift My hand, lift My presence just a little and all chaos comes. So I, wait until people start noticing. Wait a minute, we need God to intervene. Do you not know that I have done this from the beginning says the Lord? There is always going to be enemies. And I’ve always got an army and I’ve always got a people. But when My people get intimidated, and My people get afraid, and My people get sleepy from the enemy’s plots. And they no longer follow or look to My face. The enemy comes in, but know, that as the whole world is watching, the whole world is watching, I have their attention. I will use that which I’ve used before. That which I have won and conquered even in the smallest of armies. Do you not know that My people have never been conquered again? Even with the smallest of territory and smallest of armies because they have the hosts fighting for them. Do you not know that it is Gideon? A Gideon type army that I get glory through. Not the many. Not the strong. But that through the weak that depend on Me. Through the few that follow faithful after Me. I am not looking for the many. I am looking for the faithful. And I am standing up on behalf of the faithful. And I will work and do what I do for My own plan and for My glory says the Lord. Thank You Lord. Says the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of Glory, the King of Kings. Says this day.


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